La Perse Antique

Philip Huyse

English summary: The Persians: They built the first global empire in history between the Nile and Indus River valleys. Their fascinating culture brought glory to three continents and their civilization.

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became one of the most prestigious in antiquity. Often misunderstood, they always remained in the shadow of their rivals and partners in Greece, Rome and Byzantium. This guide strives to eradicate the tenacious preconceptions which held that Persians were savage and decadent barbarians and gives us an account as magisterial as it is accessible of antiquity's very first empire. Philip Huyse has pursued his career as a researcher in Germany, the United States and, most recently, in France at the CNRS. He is currently the Director of Graduate Studies and holds the Chair in Iranian History and Philology. French description: Les Perses. Ils furent a l'origine du premier empire-monde de l'histoire entre Nil et Indus. Leur culture fascinante a rayonne sur trois continents et leur civilisation compte parmi les plus grandes de l'Antiquite. Souvent mecompris, ils sont en outre toujours restes dans l'ombre de leurs rivaux et partenaires en Grece, a Rome ou a Byzance. Ce guide s'efforce d'eradiquer le prejuge tenace qui fait des Perses des barbares sauvages et decadents.